Friday, December 10, 2010

Rainbow Explosion!

Rainbows are well loved and popular, and there have been many people who've done rainbow cakes (a quick Google search reveals many pretty photos!). So I thought, why not rainbow muffins?

ToysEtc thought it an excellent idea indeed, because the writer is a big fan of rainbows. So he placed a special order for fresh and cheery muffins, to be distributed to his friends at STGCC!

I started with making up rainbow shades of Sweet Hut's muffin mix (a wee trade secret, here!). The colours were made as bright as possible for best effect while still maintaining the great taste and texture that Sweet Hut is known for! :)

After that, it was time to fill the cups...

Halfway through the colours here!

Now, something about muffins that differentiates them from cakes (or cupcakes, for that matter) is that they have a lovely puffy dome that is the result of volcanic activity during baking. So we expected the results to be different from the stable bands of colour found in most rainbow cake pictures.

Lo and behold, when the mix was baked, our eyes were met with a riot of colours!
Group Shot!

Vibrant blue and indigo exploding from red and orange :)

Naturally, this meant some wonderful marbling effects within, to be discovered by anyone who gets the chance to eat them. It also means that every single rainbow is a unique gift!

A peek for those who are curious

Definitely hoping that this will brighten the day at the convention!

Enquiries for order can be made via email: or call 97395935!

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